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The Autolabel CLI was created to make the config file creation process easier. It is a simple command line interface that will ask you a series of questions and then generate a config file for you. To use it, simply run the following command:

autolabel config

Walkthrough: Creating a Config for Civil Comments

  1. The first step is to run the autolabel command with the config argument:
    autolabel config
  2. The program will prompt you to enter the task name.
    Enter the task name: ToxicCommentClassification
  3. Next, you need to choose the task type from the provided options.:
    Choose a task type
    > classification
  4. Now, the program will ask for dataset configuration details. You need to specify the delimiter used in your dataset, the label column name, and an optional explanation column name:
    Dataset Configuration
    Enter the delimiter (,):
    Enter the label column name: label
    Enter the explanation column name (optional):
    Anything surrounded by parenthesis at the end of a prompt will be used as the default value if you don't input anything. Make sure to change this if it does not line up with your task.
  5. The program will then ask for model configuration. You will need to specify the model provider from the options. Next, enter the model name, optional model parameters, whether the model should compute confidence, and the strength of the logit bias:
    Model Configuration
    Enter the model provider
    > openai
    Enter the model name: gpt-3.5-turbo
    Enter a model parameter name (or leave blank for none):
    Should the model compute confidence? [y/n] (n):
    What is the strength of logit bias? (0.0): 100
  6. Next, you will configure the task prompt. First, enter the task guidelines. In the task guidelines, {num_labels} and {labels} will be replaced by the number of labels and the labels list respectively. Next, specify the labels. Then, write the example template with placeholders for the column names you want to use in the prompt. You can also add an output guideline and format if needed. Lastly, you can choose whether to use a chain of thought:
    Prompt Configuration
    Enter the task guidelines (Your job is to correctly label the provided input example into one of the following {num_labels} categories.
    Enter a valid label (or leave blank for none): toxic
    Enter a valid label (or leave blank to finish): not toxic
    Enter a valid label (or leave blank to finish):
    Enter the example template: Example: {example}\nLabel: {label}
    Enter the value for example (or leave blank for none):
    Enter the output guideline (optional):
    Enter the output format (optional):
    Should the prompt use a chain of thought? [y/n] (n):
  7. The program will then display the configuration that you have provided as a python dictionary:
        'task_name': 'ToxicCommentClassification',
        'task_type': 'classification',
        'dataset': {'delimiter': ',', 'label_column': 'label'},
        'model': {'provider': 'openai', 'name': 'gpt-3.5-turbo', 'compute_confidence': False, 'logit_bias': 100.0},
        'prompt': {
            'task_guidelines': 'Your job is to correctly label the provided input example into one of the following {num_labels} categories.\nCategories:\n{labels}\n',
            'labels': ['toxic', 'not toxic'],
            'example_template': 'Example: {example}\nLabel: {label}',
            'chain_of_thought': False
  8. Finally, the program will write the configuration to a file named "{your_task_name}_config.json".
    Writing config to ToxicCommentClassification_config.json

That's it! You have successfully created a config for a task using the CLI program. The generated configuration file can now be used for any labeling runs with autolabel!

Providing a seed file

You can provide a seed file to the CLI to help it generate the config file. Providing a seed file to the CLI allows it to automatically provide drop-down menus for column name inputs, detect labels that are already present in the seed file, and fill the few shot examples by row number in the seed file. To do this, simply run the following command:

autolabel config <path-to-seed-file>

For example, if you have a file called seed.csv in the current directory, you would run the following command:

autolabel config seed.csv

Here's an example of what the prompt configuration section would look like with a seed file:

Detected 2 unique labels in seed dataset. Use these labels? [y/n]: y
Enter the example template: Example: {example}\nLabel: {label}
Use seed.csv as few shot example dataset? [y/n]: n
Enter the value for example or row number (or leave blank for none): 3
{'example': "When all else fails, change the subject to Hillary's emails.", 'label': 'not toxic'}
Enter the value for example or row number (or leave blank to finish): 7
    'example': 'He may like the internal forum, but the reality is he has affirmed traditional doctrine and practices. While he does like the internal forum he has not changed anything.',
    'label': 'not toxic'
Enter the value for example or row number (or leave blank to finish): 24
{'example': '........... said the blind dumb and deaf lemming.', 'label': 'toxic'}
Enter the value for example or row number (or leave blank to finish): 64
    'example': 'Do you have a citation for that statement or did you just make it up yourself? BTW, this thread is about the unhealthy liar the Democrats have
    'label': 'not toxic'
Enter the value for example or row number (or leave blank to finish):
Enter the few shot selection algorithm
> fixed
Enter the number of few shot examples to use (4):

As you can see, the CLI automatically detected the labels in the seed file and used them to generate the labels list. It also automatically filled the few shot examples with the examples from the seed file after letting the user choose the rows to use.

Specifying Model Parameters

To specify model parameters, you can simply enter the parameter name and value when prompted. For example, if you wanted to specify the temperature parameter for the gpt-3.5-turbo model, you would run the following command:

Enter a model parameter name (or leave blank for none): temperature
Enter the value for max_tokens: 0.5

Providing Few Shot Examples

To provide few shot examples, you can simply input the example when prompted (after entering the example template). The CLI will go through the example template and ask for any values specified in that. For example, if you template is Example: {example}\nLabel: {label}, you could add a few shot example as shown below:

Enter the example template: Example: {example}\nLabel: {label}
Enter the value for example (or leave blank for none): You're ugly and dumb
Enter the value for label: toxic
Enter the value for example (or leave blank to finish): I love your art!
Enter the value for label: not toxic
Enter the value for example (or leave blank to finish): It was a great show. Not a combo I'd of expected to be good together but it was.
Enter the value for label: not toxic
Enter the value for example (or leave blank to finish): It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists
Enter the value for label: toxic
Enter the value for example (or leave blank to finish):
Enter the few shot selection algorithm
> fixed
Enter the number of few shot examples to use (4):

Since we only added 4 examples, we chose the fixed few shot selection algorithm and left the number of few shot examples to use at 4 since we want to use all of them in every prompt.

The init command

If you would prefer to edit a json file directly, you can use the init command to generate a config file for you. To do this, simply run the following command:

autolabel init

By default, this will create a config file that looks like the one below:

  "task_name": "[TODO] Enter task name",
  "task_type": "[TODO] Enter task type",
  "dataset": {
    "delimiter": "[TODO] Enter delimiter",
    "label_column": "[TODO] Enter label column name"
  "model": {
    "provider": "openai",
    "name": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
    "params": {}
  "prompt": {
    "task_guidelines": "[TODO] Enter task guidelines",
    "example_template": "[TODO] Enter example template",
    "few_shot_examples": "[TODO] Enter few shot examples",
    "few_shot_selection": "[TODO] Enter few shot selection",
    "few_shot_num": "[TODO] Enter few shot num"

init will also take a seed file as an argument. Combined with other options, this can result in a very quick config file generation process. For example, if you have a file called seed.csv in the current directory, you could run the following command:

autolabel init seed.csv --task-name ToxicCommentClassification --task-type classification --delimiter , --label-column label --task-guidelines "You are an expert at identifying toxic comments." --example-template "Example: {example}\nLabel: {label}" --few-shot-examples seed.csv --few-shot-selection semantic_similarity --few-shot-num 5 --guess-labels

Resulting in the following config file for the civil comments dataset:

  "task_name": "ToxicCommentClassification",
  "task_type": "classification",
  "dataset": {
    "delimiter": ",",
    "label_column": "label"
  "model": {
    "provider": "openai",
    "name": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
    "params": {}
  "prompt": {
    "task_guidelines": "You are an expert at identifying toxic comments.",
    "example_template": "Example: {example}\nLabel: {label}",
    "few_shot_examples": "seed.csv",
    "few_shot_selection": "semantic_similarity",
    "few_shot_num": 5,
    "labels": ["not toxic", "toxic"]

The plan command

The plan command works identically to running LabelingAgent({config}).plan({dataset}) in python. To use it, simply run the following command:

autolabel plan <path-to-dataset> <path-to-config>

The run command

The run command works identically to running LabelingAgent({config}).run({dataset}) in python. To use it, simply run the following command:

autolabel run <path-to-dataset> <path-to-config>


If any of the commands are unclear, you can run autolabel --help to see the help menu or autolabel <command> --help to see the help menu for a specific command.