This document lays out the input and output schema for the full list of Transformations provided in the Catalog. Note that for every single output, Refuel will also produce a confidnence score.

Resume Parsing


  • resume_link (str): Either a publicly readable URL, or a path to S3 or GCS that can be read by Refuel through our integration.


  • candidate_name (str): Name of the candidate.
  • contact_info (json): A JSON object containing any physical addresses, email addresses, phone numbers or web addresses (LinkedIn, Github, personal websites, etc) for the candidate.
  • education (list(json)): A list of JSON objects, where each JSON contains the school, major, degree, start year, end year and other information about a specific educational degree for the candidate.
  • work_history (list(json)): A list of JSON objects, where each JSON contains the job title, company, start month, start year, end month, end year and description about a specific job held by the candidate.
  • skills (str): List of skills demonstrated by the candidate based on evidence in their resume.

Job Description Parsing


  • text (str): Raw text from a job description.


  • company (str): The company or organization offering this job.
  • title (str): The job title for this job.
  • location (str): Location where the job is based.
  • pay (json): A JSON object containing information about the pay period (hourly, weekly, monthly, etc), minimum and maximum amounts, any bonuses, etc.
  • skills (str): List of skills required by the job description.

Skills Extraction and Mapping


  • link (str): Either a publicly readable URL, or a path to S3 or GCS for a resume, job description or other document from which skills needs to be extracted.


  • skills (str): List of skills demonstrated by the candidate based on evidence in their resume, and mapped against a taxonomy.

Job Title Normalization


  • title (str): Job title to be normalized.


  • normalized_title (str): Job title as a string, with typos corrected, short forms expanded (ex. Sr to Senior), unnecessary modifiers or adjectives removed.

Job Title Seniority Classification


  • title (str): Job title.


  • seniority (str): The job title will be categorized against the following taxonomy:
  1. Owner
  2. Founder
  3. C Suite
  4. Partner
  5. VP
  6. Head
  7. Director
  8. Manager
  9. Senior
  10. Entry
  11. Intern