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Large Language Models (LLMs)

Autolabel supports multiple LLMs for labeling data. Some LLMs are available by calling an API with the appropriate API keys (OpenAI, Anthropic, etc.) while others can be run locally (such as the ones available on Hugging Face). The LLM used to label can be controlled using the provider and name keys in the dictionary specified under model in the input config.

Each LLM belongs to an LLM provider -- which refers to the organization or open-source framework through which we are able to access the LLM. A full list of LLM providers and LLMs that are currently supported is provided towards the end of this page.

Autolabel makes it easy to try out different LLMs for your task and this page will walk you through how to get started with each LLM provider and model. Separately, we've also benchmarked multiple LLMs across different datasets - you can read the full technical report here [link to blog post] or check out the latest benchmark results here.


To use models hosted by Refuel, you can set provider to refuel when creating a labeling configuration. The specific model that will be queried can be specified using the name key. Autolabel currently supports two models:

  • refuel-llm
  • llama-13b-chat

You can access RefuelLLM, our recently announced LLM purpose built for data labeling, through Autolabel (Read more about it in this blog post). Refuel LLM is a Llama-v2-13b base model, instruction tuned on over 2500 unique (5.24B tokens) labeling tasks spanning categories such as classification, entity resolution, matching, reading comprehension and information extraction. You can experiment with the model in the playground here.

Refuel Performance

You can request access to Refuel LLM here. Read the docs about using RefuelLLM in autolabel here.

Llama-13b-chat is a 13 billion parameter model available on Huggingface. However, running such a huge model locally is a challenge, which is why we are currently hosting the model on our servers.


To use Refuel models with Autolabel, make sure set the following environment variable:

export REFUEL_API_KEY=<your-refuel-key>

replacing <your-refuel-key> with your API key.

Getting a Refuel API key

If you're interested in trying one of the LLMs hosted by Refuel, sign up for your Refuel API key by filling out the form here. We'll review your application and get back to you soon!

Example usage

Here is an example of setting config to a dictionary that will use Refuel's refuel-llm model. Specifically, note that in the dictionary proivded by the model tag, provider is set to refuel and name is set to be refuel-llm.

config = {
    "task_name": "OpenbookQAWikipedia",
    "task_type": "question_answering",
    "dataset": {
        "label_column": "answer",
        "delimiter": ","
    "model": {
        "provider": "refuel",
        "name": "refuel-llm",
        "params": {}
    "prompt": {
        "task_guidelines": "You are an expert at answering questions.",
        "example_template": "Question: {question}\nAnswer: {answer}"

Additional parameters

A few parameters that can be passed in for refuel models to control the model behavior. For example:

  • max_new_tokens (int) - The maximum tokens to sample from the model
  • temperature (float) - A float b/w 0 and 1 which indicates the diversity you want in the output. 0 uses greedy sampling.

These parameters can be passed in via the params dictionary under model. Here is an example:

"model": {
    "provider": "refuel",
    "name": "refuel-llm",
    "params": {
        "max_new_tokens": 512,
        "temperature": 0.1,

refuel hosted LLMs support all the parameters that can be passed as a part of GenerationConfig while calling generate functions of Hugging Face LLMs.


To use models from OpenAI, you can set provider to openai when creating a labeling configuration. The specific model that will be queried can be specified using the name key. Autolabel currently supports the following models from OpenAI:

  • text-davinci-003
  • gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-3.5-turbo-0301 and gpt-3.5-turbo-0613 (4,096 max tokens)
  • gpt-3.5-turbo-16k and gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613 (16,384 max tokens)
  • gpt-4, gpt-4-0314 and gpt-4-0613 (8,192 max tokens)
  • gpt-4-32k, gpt-4-32k-0314 and gpt-4-32k-0613 (32,768 max tokens)

gpt-4 set of models are the most capable (and most expensive) from OpenAI, while gpt-3.5-turbo set of models are cheap (but still quite capable). Detailed pricing for these models is available here.


To use OpenAI models with Autolabel, make sure to first install the relevant packages by running:

pip install 'refuel-autolabel[openai]'

and also setting the following environment variable:

export OPENAI_API_KEY=<your-openai-key>

replacing <your-openai-key> with your API key, which you can get from here.

Example usage

Here is an example of setting config to a dictionary that will use OpenAI's gpt-3.5-turbo model for labeling. Specifically, note that in the dictionary proivded by the model tag, provider is set to openai and name is set to be gpt-3.5-turbo. name can be switched to use any of the three models mentioned above.

config = {
    "task_name": "OpenbookQAWikipedia",
    "task_type": "question_answering",
    "dataset": {
        "label_column": "answer",
        "delimiter": ","
    "model": {
        "provider": "openai",
        "name": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
        "params": {}
    "prompt": {
        "task_guidelines": "You are an expert at answering questions.",
        "example_template": "Question: {question}\nAnswer: {answer}"

Additional parameters

A few parameters can be passed in alongside openai models to tweak their behavior:

  • max_tokens (int): The maximum tokens to sample from the model
  • temperature (float): A float between 0 and 2 which indicates the diversity you want in the output. 0 uses greedy sampling (picks the most likely outcome).

These parameters can be passed in via the params dictionary under model. Here is an example:

"model": {
    "provider": "openai",
    "name": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
    "params": {
        "max_tokens": 512,
        "temperature": 0.1


To use models from Anthropic, you can set the provider to anthropic when creating a labeling configuration. The specific model that will be queried can be specified using the name key. Autolabel currently supports the following models from Anthropic:

  • claude-instant-1.2
  • claude-2.0
  • claude-2.1
  • claude-3-opus-20240229
  • claude-3-sonnet-20240229
  • claude-3-haiku-20240307

claude-3-opus-20240229 is a state-of-the-art high-performance model, while claude-3-sonnet-20240229 is a lighter, less expensive, and much faster option. claude-3-sonnet-20240229 is 5 times cheaper than claude-3-opus-20240229, at $3/1 million tokens. On the other hand claude-3-opus-20240229 costs $15/1 million tokens. claude-3-haiku-20240307 is the lightest and fastest model, and is 12 times cheaper than claude-3-sonnet-20240229, at $0.25/1 million tokens.

claude-instant-1.2, claude-2.0, and claude-2.1 are older legacy models and are not recommended for new tasks. Detailed pricing for these models is available here. One may use claude-instant-1.2 for a cheaper alternative to any model and claude-2.0 and claude-2.1 for a cheaper alternative to claude-3-opus-20240229.


To use Anthropic models with Autolabel, make sure to first install the relevant packages by running:

pip install 'refuel-autolabel[anthropic]'

and also setting the following environment variable:

export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=<your-anthropic-key>

replacing <your-anthropic-key> with your API key, which you can get from here.

Example usage

Here is an example of setting config to a dictionary that will use anthropic's claude-instant-v1 model for labeling. Specifically, note that in the dictionary proivded by the model tag, provider is set to anthropic and name is set to be claude-instant-v1. name can be switched to use any of the two models mentioned above.

config = {
    "task_name": "OpenbookQAWikipedia",
    "task_type": "question_answering",
    "dataset": {
        "label_column": "answer",
        "delimiter": ","
    "model": {
        "provider": "anthropic",
        "name": "claude-instant-v1",
        "params": {}
    "prompt": {
        "task_guidelines": "You are an expert at answering questions.",
        "example_template": "Question: {question}\nAnswer: {answer}"

Additional parameters

A few parameters that can be passed in for anthropic models to control the model behavior:

  • max_tokens_to_sample (int): The maximum tokens to sample from the model
  • temperature (float): A float between 0 and 2 which indicates the diversity you want in the output. 0 uses greedy sampling (picks the most likely outcome).

These parameters can be passed in via the params dictionary under model. Here is an example:

"model": {
    "provider": "anthropic",
    "name": "claude-2.0",
    "params": {
        "max_tokens_to_sample": 512,
        "temperature": 0.1

Hugging Face

To use models from Hugging Face, you can set provider to huggingface_pipeline when creating a labeling configuration. The specific model that will be queried can be specified using the name key. Autolabel currently supports all Sequence2Sequence and Causal Language Models on Hugging Face. All models available on Hugging Face can be found here. Ensure that the model you choose can be loaded using AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM or AutoModelForCausalLM. Here are a few examples:

Sequence2Sequence Language Models:

  • google/flan-t5-small (all flan-t5-* models)
  • google/pegasus-x-base
  • microsoft/prophetnet-large-uncased

Causal Language Models:

  • gpt2
  • openlm-research/open_llama_3b
  • meta-llama/Llama-2-7b

This will run the model locally on a GPU (if available). You can also specify quantization strategy to load larger models in lower precision (and thus decreasing memory requirements).


To use Hugging Face models with Autolabel, make sure to first install the relevant packages by running:

pip install 'refuel-autolabel[huggingface]'

Example usage

Here is an example of setting config to a dictionary that will use google/flan-t5-small model for labeling via Hugging Face. Specifically, note that in the dictionary proivded by the model tag, provider is set to huggingface_pipeline and name is set to be google/flan-t5-small. name can be switched to use any model that satisfies the constraints above.

config = {
    "task_name": "OpenbookQAWikipedia",
    "task_type": "question_answering",
    "dataset": {
        "label_column": "answer",
        "delimiter": ","
    "model": {
        "provider": "huggingface_pipeline",
        "name": "google/flan-t5-small",
        "params": {}
    "prompt": {
        "task_guidelines": "You are an expert at answering questions.",
        "example_template": "Question: {question}\nAnswer: {answer}"

Additional parameters

A few parameters that can be passed in for huggingface_pipeline models to control the model behavior:

  • max_new_tokens (int) - The maximum tokens to sample from the model
  • temperature (float) - A float b/w 0 and 1 which indicates the diversity you want in the output. 0 uses greedy sampling.
  • quantize (int) - The model quantization to use. 32 bit by default, but we also support 16 bit and 8 bit support for models which have been hosted on Hugging Face.

These parameters can be passed in via the params dictionary under model. Here is an example:

"model": {
    "provider": "huggingface_pipeline",
    "name": "google/flan-t5-small",
    "params": {
        "max_new_tokens": 512,
        "temperature": 0.1,
        "quantize": 8

To use Llama 2, you can use the following model configuration:

"model": {
    "provider": "huggingface_pipeline",
    "name": "meta-llama/Llama-2-7b",

Google Gemini

To use models from Google, you can set the provider to google when creating a labeling configuration. The specific model that will be queried can be specified using the name key. Autolabel currently supports the following models from Google:

  • gemini-pro

gemini-pro is the most capable (and most expensive) from Google. Catch the announcement of the model here.


To use Google models with Autolabel, make sure to first install the relevant packages by running:

and also setting the following environment variable:

export GOOGLE_API_KEY=<your-google-key>

replacing <your-google-key> with your API key, which you can get from here.

Example usage

Here is an example of setting config to a dictionary that will use google's text-bison@001 model for labeling. Specifically, note that in the dictionary provided by the model tag, provider is set to google and name is set to be text-bison@001. name can be switched to use any of the two models mentioned above.

config = {
    "task_name": "OpenbookQAWikipedia",
    "task_type": "question_answering",
    "dataset": {
        "label_column": "answer",
        "delimiter": ","
    "model": {
        "provider": "google",
        "name": "gemini-pro",
        "params": {}
    "prompt": {
        "task_guidelines": "You are an expert at answering questions.",
        "example_template": "Question: {question}\nAnswer: {answer}"

Additional parameters

A few parameters can be passed in alongside google models to tweak their behavior:

  • max_output_tokens (int): Maximum number of tokens that can be generated in the response.
  • temperature (float): A float between 0 and 1 which indicates the diversity you want in the output. 0 uses greedy sampling (picks the most likely outcome).

All the parameters that can be passed are given here. These parameters can be passed in via the params dictionary under model. Here is an example:

"model": {
    "provider": "google",
    "name": "gemini-pro",
    "params": {
        "max_output_tokens": 512,
        "temperature": 0.1

Model behavior

chat-bison@001 always responds in a "chatty" manner (example below), often returning more than just the requested label. This can cause problems on certain labeling tasks.

Content moderation

Both Google LLMs seem to have much stricter content moderation rules than the other supported models. This can cause certain labeling jobs to completely fail as shown in our technical report [add link to technical report]. Consider a different model if your dataset has content that is likely to trigger Google's built-in content moderation.


To use models from Cohere, you can set the provider to cohere when creating a labeling configuration. The specific model that will be queried can be specified using the name key. Autolabel currently supports the following models from Cohere:

  • command (4096 max tokens)
  • command-light (4096 max tokens)
  • base (2048 max tokens)
  • base-light (2048 max tokens)

command is an instruction-following conversational model that performs language tasks with high quality, while command-light is an almost as capable, but much faster option. base is a model that performs generative language tasks, while base-light much faster but a little less capable. All models cost the same at $15/1 million tokens. Detailed pricing for these models is available here.


To use Cohere models with Autolabel, make sure to first install the relevant packages by running:

pip install 'refuel-autolabel[cohere]'

and also setting the following environment variable:

export COHERE_API_KEY=<your-cohere-key>

replacing <your-cohere-key> with your API key, which you can get from here.

Example usage

Here is an example of setting config to a dictionary that will use cohere's command model for labeling. Specifically, note that in the dictionary proivded by the model tag, provider is set to cohere and name is set to be command. name can be switched to use any of the four models mentioned above.

config = {
    "task_name": "OpenbookQAWikipedia",
    "task_type": "question_answering",
    "dataset": {
        "label_column": "answer",
        "delimiter": ","
    "model": {
        "provider": "cohere",
        "name": "command",
        "params": {}
    "prompt": {
        "task_guidelines": "You are an expert at answering questions.",
        "example_template": "Question: {question}\nAnswer: {answer}"

Additional parameters

A few parameters that can be passed in for cohere models to control the model behavior:

  • max_tokens (int): The maximum number of tokens to predict per generation
  • temperature (float): The degree of randomness in generations from 0.0 to 5.0, lower is less random.

These parameters can be passed in via the params dictionary under model. Here is an example:

"model": {
    "provider": "cohere",
    "name": "command",
    "params": {
        "max_tokens": 512,
        "temperature": 0.1

Provider List

The table lists out all the provider, model combinations that Autolabel supports today:

Provider Name
openai text-davinci-003
openai gpt-3.5-turbo models
openai gpt-4 models
anthropic claude-instant-1.2
anthropic claude-2.0
anthropic claude-2.1
anthropic claude-opus-20240229
anthropic claude-sonnet-20240229
huggingface_pipeline seq2seq models and causalLM models
refuel flan-t5-xxl
google gemini-pro
cohere command
cohere command-light
cohere base
cohere base-light